There are many different color options within CourseArc so that content can be set up to reflect an organization's branding or customized for multi-branding when delivering content to multiple organizations. Below is a list of all the configurable color fields located in the Themes configuration settings followed by examples of how each color field applies to page content.

Test all background-foreground color pairings using the WebAim Contrast Checker to ensure that the contrast between colors meets WCAG 2.1 AA.

Header/Banner Background and Header/Banner Foreground Colors 

The Header/Banner Background and Header/Banner Foreground colors must have sufficient contrast to each other. These color settings also apply to the navigation arrows at the bottom of each page.

Screenshot of Heading/Banner Background and Foreground colors with instiution's logo located on the top left.

Icon Color

Icons must have sufficient contrast with a white background.

Screenshot of a sample icon

Screenshot of a sample icon

Headings 1, 2, and 3

Heading 1 must have a white background if the glossary is enabled to ensure that it has sufficient contrast with the glossary icon and text. Headings 2 and 3 must have sufficient contrast with the chosen background color.

All three heading levels as well as the glossary icon and text element contrast well with the white background.

Screenshot of Headings with instiution's logo located on the top left.

Because there is not a glossary in use, Heading 1 uses a black background with contrasting white text. Headings 2 and 3 use contrasting colors to white.

Screenshot of Headings with instiution's logo located on the top left.

Button Background and Foreground Color

The Button Background and Button Foreground colors must have sufficient contrast with each other. These settings also control the choices in drag and drop activities.

screenshot of a "Submit" button

Screenshot of button colors in sorting

screenshot of a "Submit" button

Screenshot of button colors in sorting

Accent Color 1

Accent Color 1 controls the header background and text for the glossary as well as the Accordions, Tabs, and Flashcards blocks. This color must have sufficient contrast with a white background.

Screenshot of accent colors in the glossary search featurescreenshot of sample tabsscreenshot of sample flashcards

Screenshot of sample tabs

Screenshot of sample tabs

Accent Color 2

Accent Color 2 configures the search icon background, scrollbars, and rollover color in the glossary. This color must have sufficient contrast with a white background.

Table Colors 

The Table Heading Background and Table Heading Foreground colors must have sufficient contrast with each other. The Table Even Row Background and Table Odd Row Background colors must have sufficient contrast with the font color. 

Table colors also control the table headers and descriptions in drag and drop activities. The left-hand side of a drag and drop activity is a shade of this color.

screenshot of tableScreenshot of Interactive Matching block with applied accent colors

Screenshot of Interactive Matching block with applied accent colors

Footer Colors

The Footer Background and Footer Foreground colors must have sufficient contrast with each other.