This article describes how to add a module without gradebook passback. If the grades need to pass, refer to this article about adding a module with gradebook passback.

Before adding a module to a course in Canvas, the System Administrator and Canvas administrator must complete the initial LTI setup. Verify with your Canvas administrator that CourseArc has been installed before you proceed.

  1. In CourseArc, navigate to the course module that needs to be embedded. Click the LTI Embed button.

    Screenshot of a module page in CourseArc with an arrow pointed at the LTI embed button
    Note: Only a System Administrator, Course Administrator, and Course Leader have permission to view the LTI embed link information.

  2. Select and copy the URL from the modal window that appears.
    Screenshot of a modal window with the URL highlighted

  3. In Canvas, navigate to the Modules page of the course you wish to embed content into. Click on a plus icon to add the content into a module.

    Canvas screenshot of a course module page, with an arrow pointed at a plus sign under Module #1.

  4. A modal window will appear. Select the following options:
    External Tool from the dropdown
    CourseArc from the list of applications
    URL: Paste in the URL previously copied from CourseArc.
    Page Name: Name this however you'd like. For example, you could use the module name here.

    Click Add Item to continue.

  5. In Canvas, publish the module and link.