1. Navigate to a page where content needs to be added.
    Screenshot of a page of content
  2. Select the Edit this Page button.
    Screenshot of a page of content with cursor over Edit this Page button in the Editing panel
  3. Navigate to the desired position on the page, then select "Add Block". When the dropdown appears, select Add Block.

    Screenshot of 'Add Block' text and plus icon
    Screenshot of menu that appears - Add Block is selected and other options like Paste From Clipboard and add boilerplate template are beneath
  4. The Add Block modal will appear.

    Use the search option at the top of the Add Block modal to filter the block list and select a block...
    Screenshot of Add Block modal with a search term entered
    ...or scroll through the Add Block modal to select a block.
    Screenshot of Add Block modal list of block types
  5. Complete the Add Flashcards form and click then Add+ button to add the block to the page.
    Screenshot of a Add Flashcards Block modal and the cursor over the Add button
  6. The new block will appear on the page in edit mode.
    Screenshot showing a new block on a page with a red dotted border around it
  7. Select Publish My Edits to save the block to the page.
    Screenshot with cursor over the "publish my edits" button in the Edit panel
  8. All changes are saved to the page.
    Screenshot of a page of content with the editing panel showing an Edit this Page button
  9. Click the Preview button to see a preview of the published page.
    Screenshot of a page of content with the cursor over the Preview button in the Editing panel
  10. A preview of the page as it will appear to learners will display in a new window.Screenshot of a preview of content. No editing panel appears