Click here to watch a video explanation for using tasks.

System Administrators and Course Administrators can add tasks in any course.  Course Leaders, Editors, and Approvers may add tasks in their assigned courses.

  1. Go to the page view of the page that requires a task.
    Tip: When assigning a task that covers more than one page of content, add the task on the first page of the module.

  2. Click the Add a task link in the Tasks: panel.

  3. Describe the task in the Description: field, select a name from the Assign to: dropdown and click the Add button.

  4. After the task is added, the assignee will receive an email notification for the assigned task; and the Tasks: panel will show the pending task with the assignee's name.

    Edit a task by clicking the pencil icon, making changes, and clicking the Update button

    Only Course Leaders or Editors assigned to the course can assign tasks


    Watch the video to learn more about using tasks.