Note: The Inline Quiz block has been replaced by our the Self Check and Quiz blocks. Clients with existing Inline Quiz blocks may continue to make edits to check for understanding questions created with the Inline Quiz block, which is now called Self Check. The Quiz block can be used to create graded items that can be scored.

  1. From the edit page view go to Add Block and select Inline Quiz Question.

  2. The Add Inline Quiz Question form will appear. Choose which type of question you want to create.

  3. The form will change depending on which type of question chosen. In the sample shown below for a multiple choice question, complete the question, options, and then select the radio button next to the correct answer. Custom feedback can also be added—but this is optional. When the form is complete, select the Add+ button.

    Check answer with optional feedback—use this type of question when there is only one possible answer
    screenshot of a check answer form completed

    Question with optional feedback— use this type of question when there are too many possible answers to check the answer
    screenshot of a question with feedback form completed

  4. The new question block will now appear in the edit page view. Select the Publish My Edits button to save the block to the page.

  5. Once the changes are published and edit page view has been exited, the content will display as it will appear to learners.

    Unanswered multiple choice question

    Answered multiple choice question with feedback