Only a System Administrator or Graphic Designer can change the color of an icon set. Only icon sets containing all black icons can be assigned different colors.
CourseArc includes four default icon sets—CourseArc Professional, CourseArc Round, CourseArc Outline, and CourseArc Bold—with black icons that can be assigned different colors based on a course's Theme Options settings.
- Click Settings on the navigation bar and select Themes from the dropdown.
- Select the Edit Properties button for the theme that needs the icon color setting changed.
The Edit Theme view displays.
Click the Icon Color: field's color picker.
The pop-up color picker for the Icon Color: field displays. The color swatch squares in the left side of the pop-up represent the colors being used in the theme.
Select a color already being used in the theme.
Click the Save button to save the changes made to the theme.
Note: Selecting the Preview button launches a new browser tab with example pages using the theme as currently configured in the Edit Theme form.
To create additional icon sets that can be assigned different colors, follow these specifications.