Before adding a module to a course in Canvas, the CourseArc System Administrator and Canvas administrator must configure grade passback.

This article describes how to add a module with gradebook passback. If gradebook passback is not required, refer to How do I add a module without gradebook passback to Canvas?.

Note: Only a System Administrator, Course Administrator, and Course Leader have permission to view the LTI embed link.

  1. In CourseArc, navigate to the module that needs to be embedded. Select LTI Embed from the Manage dropdown.

  2. Select and copy the URL from the modal window that appears.
    Screenshot of a modal window with the URL highlighted

  3. In Canvas, navigate to the Assignments page of the course you wish to embed content into. Click on +Assignment.
    Screenshot of a Canvas Assignments page, with an arrow pointed at the "+ Assignment" button

  4. A modal window will appear. Enter in the fields as follows:
    Type: External Tool
    Name: The title of your module
    Fill out the Due: field and Points: field if needed.
    Click More Options.
    Screenshot of modal window in Canvas, with an arrow pointed at the Type field with "External Tool" selected, Name with a Module Title entered in, and the save button.

  5. In the Submission Type section, paste in the URL previously copied from CourseArc.
    Screenshot of the Add New assignment page in Canvas, with an arrow pointed ad the Submission Type URL field, and find button.
  6. Click the Save button to continue.
    Screenshot of the save button in Canvas.
  7. Navigate to the Modules page of the course. Use the + button to add the assignment to the desired module.
    Screenshot of Canvas Modules page with an arrow pointed at a "+" button
  8. In the modal window, select Assignment from the drop down menu. Select the assignment you just created.  Click the Add Item button.
    Screenshot of Add Item modal in Canvas with an arrow pointed at dropdown set to "Assignment", the assignment selected, and the add item button.
  9. After adding the item, confirm that it (and its parent module) is set to published.