1. From the edit page view, click Add To Content and select Add Block.

  2. From the Add Block modal, select Rubric.

  3. Complete the Add Rubric form.
    Rubric Settings
    Title: Enter a title for the rubric.

    Scale Type: Choose Number, Letter, or Other from the dropdown. If Number or Letter is selected, the Scale: fields will auto-populate. Number is the default scale type and will be selected by default when the Add Rubric form first appears. If Other is selected, a custom scale type can be entered.

    Note: As each Scale: field is populated or removed, a corresponding field is added or removed from each Category.

    Manage Categories
    Add Category: Enter the Title:* of the category and the criteria for each level of the rubric scale. Click Save Category and repeat the process until all required categories are created.
    screenshot of rubric form with one category completed

  4. When the form is complete, select the Add+ button.

  5. The Rubric block will now appear on the page in the edit page view. Select the Publish My Edits button to save the block to the page.
  6. Once the changes are published, the Rubric block displays as it will appear to learners.
    Scale Type: Letter

    Rubric block responsive design