1. From the edit page view, click Add To Content then click Add Block.

  2.  From the Add Block modal, select Graphic Organizer.
  3. The Add Graphic Organizer form will appear.

  4. Complete the following sections.
                Graphic Organizer Settings
    • Enter a name for the graphic organizer in the Title: field.
    • The Point Value: field will only display if the module is being graded. As a default, the point value is set to 5. If points are assigned, the student earns the points after submitting the graphic organizer with text in any of the fields.
    • Populate the Column: field (e.g., title, description, or category) for each column needed for the graphic organizer. Click the Add Column button to add another column. The content box for each column supports linking to files or websites.

      Manage Rows
    • Enter a prompt (e.g., question, topic, or term) in the Row: field and then click the Save button. Repeat this process until all the required rows are created.

  5. Click the Add+ button to save the block.

  6. The new block will now appear on the page in edit mode. Select the Publish My Edits button to save the block.

  7. Once the changes are published, the content will display as it will appear to learners.
    Clicking the Submit button saves a learner's notes and makes the notes available for instructor review.

    Instructors can link to a file if they wish to provide learners with a model graphic organizer as a reference. Check out the graphic organizer examples below.


