1. From the edit page view, click Add To Content then click Add Block.
    Screenshot of page in edit mode, Add to Content area, Add Block option
  2. From the Add Block modal, select Graphing.
    screenshot of Add Block modal, Graphing block option
  3. The Add Graphing form shows with the Graph Settings and Initial View tabs selected.
    screenshot of Add Graphing modal with default settings
  4. Configure the following settings.
    Points:* Set the point value for the graphing activity as required.
    Graph Parameters:* Set the parameters for the coordinate plane.
    Question Prompt: Use the WYSIWYG text editor to compose a question prompt or instructions to describe what learners should graph.screenshot of Add Graphing modal with default settings
  5. To add items to a graph, graphing tools need to be enabled. In the Tools: section, select the tools needed for creating the graph. In this example, all of the Tools: options have been enabled. When enabled, tools can be selected above the graphing area.
    screenshot of Add Graphing modal with default settings
  6. Configure the Initial View tab as needed using the available tools. The Initial View tab shows what learners will see when viewing the content.
    screenshot of Add Graphing modal with all Tools selected and corresponding buttons prior to the graph with a sample prompt and graph
  7. To identify the correct answer for the activity, select the Correct Answer tab. For this example, Scoring Criteria: is set to validate by exact points.
    Add Graphing modal window with Correct Answer tab selected and correct answer visible
  8. In the Correct Answer tab, identify the correct answer by selecting the corresponding element or location on the graph.
    Add Graphing modal window with Correct Answer tab selected and correct answer visible
  9. The Correct Answer tab now shows the correct answer (3,3) highlighted in blue.
    Add Graphing modal window with Correct Answer tab selected and correct answer visible
  10. When the Graphing block configuration is complete, click the Add+ button to add the block to the page.
    screenshot of Add Graphing modal, Add+ button
  11. The new Graphing block will appear on the page in the edit page view. Select the Publish My Edits button to save the block to the page.
    screenshot of the block in edit mode
  12. Publishing the changes exits the edit page view and displays the graphing activity as it will appear to learners.screenshot of the block in published view

Advanced Grid Settings tab showing the configurable graph labels location on graphGif: Add Graphing modal window with Advanced Grid Settings displayed with corresponding areas of the block highlighted