1. From the edit page view, click Add to Content then click Add Block.

  2. From the Add Block modal, select Markdown.

  3. The Add Markdown form will appear.
  4. Markdown formatting elements can be displayed as code. To display Markdown text as code use backtick ` marks as follows:
    • Single line of Markdown
      `**Bold,** *italics*, or ***bold italics*** `
    • Multiple lines of Markdown
      ## Header 2
      1. Item 1
      2. Item 2
      3. ~~Item 3~~
      4. Item 4
  5. After entering the required Markdown content, click the Add+ button to add the block to the page.
    Note: Markdown-formatted text will display with the formatting applied in the Add Markdown and Edit Markdown forms.

  6. The Markdown block will now appear on the page in edit mode. Select the Publish My Edits button to save the block to the page.

  7. Publishing the changes exits the edit page view and displays the content as it will appear to learners.
    HTML formatting elements can also be displayed as code. To display HTML as code use backtick ` marks as follows: