In order to integrate CourseArc content with Brightspace, the CourseArc System Administrator and Brightspace administrator must work together to get the initial LTI connection set up.
- Click the Admin Tools gear icon.
- Select External Learning Tools.
- Select Manage Tool Providers.
- Select New Tool Provider.
- Configure the New Tool Provider form settings as follows:
Launch Point: yoursubdomain.coursearc.comOAuth Signature Method: HMAC-SHA1
✔️Use custom tool consumer information instead of default: Enable
Key: copy/paste from CourseArc Dashboard\Settings\LTI
Secret: copy/paste from CourseArc Dashboard\Settings\LTI
Visibility: Allow users to use this tool provider
Enable all security settings
Make the tool provider available to any organizations within Brightspace that will be using CourseArc
- Click Save and Close.