A CourseArc System Admin must submit a ticket requesting a custom XML code for configuring Deep Linking in Canvas. A CourseArc team member will email the custom XML code to the designated reps.
Confirm that CourseArc LTI settings are configured properly.
Add a new Canvas App within the Learning Management System (LMS) from the System Admin role
Go to the Canvas Main Settings page and then select Apps > View App Configurations> +App.
Complete the Add App form as follows:
Configuration Type: Change to Paste XML
Name: Create a new name for this App (e.g., CourseArc Content Selector)
Consumer Key:Go to the Settings menu in CourseArc and choose LTI
Shared Secret: Go to the Settings menu in CourseArc and choose LTI
XML Configuration: Paste in the custom XML code provided by CourseArc
Click the Submit button.
- The new App should appear in the list of External Apps.
Add UNGRADED CourseArc content to your course from the Instructor role
Go to the course in Canvas where you want to add the content. Go to Modules and select the + button to add content.
The Add Item form will appear. Change the top drop-down list to External Tool and select the App that was just created.
The Select Content screen will appear in a new window displaying all the content the instructor has access to—listed by course—with modules linked underneath. Select the content that needs to be added.
The Add Item form will reappear with the URL: and Page Name: fields populated. Select Add Item to add it to the module in Canvas.
The CourseArc content will appear in the list of module content. Publish the item and then click on it to launch the content.
The content will display as expected.
Add GRADED CourseArc content to your course from the Instructor role
Go to the course in Canvas where you want to add the content. Go to Assignments and then select the +Assignment button to add a graded CourseArc module.
The Add Assignment form will appear. Complete it as follows:
At the top of the form, enter a title for the graded content.
In the Points field, assign a point value for the gradebook.
Choose an Assignment Group.
Under Submission Type, choose External Tool.
In the External Tool Options field, enter your domain [https://subdomain.coursearc.com] and then select the Find button.
The Configure External Tool dialog box will appear. Select the App that was just created.
The Select Content screen will appear in a new window displaying all the content the instructor has access to—listed by course—with modules linked underneath. Select the content that needs to be added.
The Configure External Tool dialog box will appear with the URL: field populated. Click the Select button.
The Add Assignment form will reappear with the URL: field populated. Click Save & Publish.
The content will display as expected.
Click on Grades to confirm that the assignment was added to the gradebook.