The Quiz Bank Quiz block allows content creators to create quizzes with preconfigured questions from a quiz bank.

To learn about setting up a quiz bank, refer to How do I create a quiz bank?.

CourseArc Quiz Banks support the following question types: matching, multiple choice (one answer), multiple choice (multiple answers), ordering, text answer (checked), and true/false.

  1. From the edit page view, click Add to Content then click Add Block.
    add block item selected from the block edit menu.
  2. Select Quiz Bank Quiz in the Add Block modal.

  3. The Add Quiz Bank Quiz form displays. Complete the following fields:
    • Title: Enter a title for the quiz. The title is not displayed on the course page. Titling the quiz can be helpful to identify the subject or purpose of the quiz—particularly if the quiz bank name is vague or not descriptive.
    • Graded?:* Select Yes if the quiz should be graded and for the score to be reflected in the grade sent back to the LMS. If No is selected, a score will not be calculated for this activity.
      Note: This option will not appear if the course is set to No Tracking or Grading.
    • Show Feedback?:* If enabled, feedback is shown to the student after a quiz's Submit button is clicked.
          Yes, and show correct answers–feedback is displayed and the correct answers are identified
          Yes, and do not show correct answers–feedback is displayed
          No–no feedback is displayed
    • Select Quiz Bank:* Choose a quiz bank or multiple banks from the Select a Quiz Bank modal.
    • Number of Allowed Attempts:* Enter the number of times each student should be allowed to take the quiz.Quiz Bank Quiz modal showing basic settings.
  4. In the Select Quiz Bank modal, choose one or multiple banks to use. Select the checkbox for the desired banks, and then use the Select button to associate the chose banks with the quiz.
    Select Quiz Bank modal with table of quiz banks
  5. Once a quiz bank or banks have been selected, the How should this quiz be populated? setting will display.
  6. Designate how the quiz should be populated—manually, automatically by difficulty, or automatic by Quiz Bank.

    Manually Select Questions
    Enter the number of attempts allowed and then enable the Manually select questions option. The Select Questions: field will appear with a list of each designated quiz bank's questions. Select questions by enabling the checkbox in the Select column next to the question. When all the questions have been selected, skip to step #7.
    Quiz bank editing modal with user manually selecting questions to use.
    Automatically, by difficulty criteria
    Enter the number of attempts allowed and then enable the Automatically, by difficulty criteria option. The fields for assigning the number of questions per difficulty level will display. Enter the number of questions required for each level of difficulty. If multiple banks are selected questions will be pulled from both banks.Quiz bank editing modal with user selecting the number of questions to use based on difficulty.
    Automatically, by Quiz Bank
    Enter the number of attempts allowed and then enable the Automatically, by Quiz Bank option. The fields for assigning the number of questions per Quiz Bank will display. Enter the number of questions required for each Quiz Bank.Quiz bank editing modal with user selecting the number of questions to use per quiz bank
  7. When all the required fields have been configured, select Addto add the Quiz Bank Quiz block to the page.

  8. The selected quiz questions will appear on the page in edit mode.
    Quiz Bank Quiz block showing in editing mode.
  9.  Publish the changes and then select the Preview button to see the page as it will display to learners.
    Quiz Bank Quiz showing on the page for learners.