If you are receiving an error message upon submitting an activity similar to this: 

Error message stating "There was an error saving your score. Please re-launch this content from your LMS to ensure that your score is saved."

This means that we are missing information we need in order to sync your score back to your LMS (such as Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, Schoology, Buzz, Brightspace, or any other LMS where you access coursework). 

How do I fix this? 

Go back to your course where you originally clicked this activity and click the link again to access the link or assignment. If you continue to see this error, please contact your instructor for further assistance. The link may be set up incorrectly.

Why does this happen?

This can happen for many reasons, including: 

  • You bookmarked this content and need to access it from your LMS rather than through a bookmark
  • Your instructor sent out a direct link to this content rather than linking to it within your LMS 
  • Your page was open too long without any activity and your session has expired 
  • The link may be configured incorrectly