In order to integrate CourseArc content with Canvas, the CourseArc System Administrator and Canvas administrator must work together to get the initial LTI connection set up.

  1. Set up an LTI connection within CourseArc.

  2. You must have administrator access in Canvas to complete these steps. In Canvas, navigate to the Settings page for the main account. In the old UI, this is under Courses > Managed Accounts.
    Screenshot of Canvas nav with the Courses dropdown open and an arrow pointed at the main account

  3. Once on the account page, select Settings in the navigation. 

    Screenshot of the account page with an arrow pointed to "Settings" in the left nav bar.

  4. Once you are on the Account Settings page, click on the Apps tab. 

    Account settings page with an arrow pointed at the "Apps" tab.

  5. Click on the View App Configurations button.

  6. Click Add App.

    Screenshot with arrow pointed at "Add App" button.

  7. Fill in the fields as follows:
    Configuration: Manual Entry
    Name: CourseArc
    Consumer Key, Shared Secret, Launch URL, Domain: (copy these from your CourseArc LTI settings)
    Privacy: If you plan on using bookmarking and grading features, select Public.
    Click the Submit button when you are done filling in these fields.

    Screenshot of Canvas "Edit Application" modal
    Example of the LTI connection information needed from CourseArc