Only a System or Course Administrator can add a user in CourseArc. Course Administrators are limited to assigning users to course level roles.

  1. Select Users from the Settings dropdown.
    Screenshot of Settings dropdown menu with items listed alphabetically
  2. Multiple new user accounts can be created with the Import Users option or the Add New User button can be used to create individual user accounts.
    Screenshot of sample user list
  3. To add a single user, click the Add New User button.
    • Fill out the Full Name: and Email: fields.
    • If the user should be assigned System Administrator, Course Administrator, Graphic Designer, Glossary Editor or Equation Editor roles, select the required roles in the Global Roles: section.
      Tips: A System Admininstrator only needs that one role selected as that role includes all other role permissions. Standard content creators usually do not receive a Global Role unless they will create equations and are only assigned course level roles.)
    • Enable Yes for the email notification setting and then click the Save or Save and Add Another button 
    • The new user will receive an email notification with instructions to access their CourseArc account and create a password.
      Add New User screenshot filled in following provided directions
  4. To add multiple users, click the Import Users button.
    • The Import Users form will appear.
    • Click Choose File and upload an Excel (.xlsx) or comma-separated values (.csv) file containing each user's full name and email address. (See Sample Excel or CSV files in the blue instructions area if needed.)
    • Select Yes for the email notification setting and click Import.
    • Each new user will receive an email notification with instructions to access their CourseArc account and reset their password.
    • If a user requires System Administrator, Course Administrator, Graphic Designer, Glossary Editor, or Equation Editor roles, those roles must be assigned after the list has been imported into the Users view.

      Import User screenshot