1. Enter a response to the question prompt. Click the SAVE DRAFT button periodically to update the draft response.

  2. When SAVE DRAFT is selected, a confirmation message will display indicating that the draft has been saved.

  3. Use the text editor to format the text as needed.

  4. When the response is complete, click the SUBMIT button to make the response available to the instructor for grading.
  5. The learner response is submitted to the instructor.
  6. When the instructor has graded the response, the course page will show the score and any feedback provided.
    Note: In this example, the SUBMIT and SAVE DRAFT buttons are available because the instructor allowed a retry.

  7. Revise the response as needed. Use the SAVE DRAFT button when editing to save updates. Click the SUBMIT button when the revised response is completed.

  8. When the instructor has graded the revised response, the course page will show the current score and any new feedback provided.
    Note: In this example, the SUBMIT and SAVE DRAFT buttons are not available because the instructor did not allow a retry.

Click More Information to view scoring details for the module.

The View Scores report shows current scoring for all pages and activities in the module.

Note: An asterisk next to a score denotes an activity that the student has completed, but the instructor has not graded.

Advanced student text editor mode

For additional information about the Writing block, refer to:

How do I know if I have learner assignments to grade?

How do I grade student responses for the Writing block? 

How do I add a Writing block?